Saturday, July 6, 2013

Second experience on rice cooker baking!!! xDDD

This is the second time for me to try on rice cooker for baking. I remembered the first time i baked a banana cake, which was a total failure baking project of mine. Nah a bad experience huh, the cake turned out to be a soup or something, i think the cake was too moist or some parts of it was still uncooked, i'm not sure. So because of my bad past experience, so i did a lot of research this time, in order to make it a success.

The cake that I'm gonna bake this time is chocolate sponge cake. i tried several times for sponge cake before, but I baked them using oven. However this time i'm gonna try something new! I'm using a rice cooker instead! Sounds interesting huh, Let's get started!!

4 eggs
100g of caster sugar ( I used white sugar, but I grinned it to smaller ones by using food processor)
100g all purpose flour
100ml of melted margarine
50g of coco powder (varies according your likes)
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

First separate the white eggs and yolks, it's best to do it when the eggs are still cold. So do separate first and leave it for 30 minutes to room temperate, as the eggs are able to incorporate with other ingredients well and also it able to trap air more effectively.

(A) Next is the flour, i checked throughout the internet and found out that for cakes, it's better for the weight of caster sugar and flour to be equal or greater than. Sieve the flour, coco powder and baking powder together. Mix well.

(B) For the white eggs, add few drops of vinegar so that it can speed up the fluffy effect of the white eggs not sure what's the exact term for it. HAH. Then add in half of the caster sugar (50g) GRADUALLY. Mix it well by using a mixer until it looks like creamy.

(C) For the yellow eggs yolks, whisk them together and GRADUALLY add in 50g of caster sugar. Mix well!!! After that add in (A) gradually! MIX WELL!! VERY VERY WELL!!!! At last add in 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence. If u like u can add in chocolate chips, it will taste even better!!!!

Finally get the rice cooker to do the baking job!! YAY!!
Ok, so this is what you gonna do:
1. Wipe out any water inside the pot of rice cooker!! IT HAS TO BE DRIED!!!! WATERLESS!!!
2. Heat the rice cooker but set in a cooking mode.
3. Leave it for few minutes, then pour it an appropriate amount of oil (yes cooking oil)
4. Use the kitchen tissue to wipe it the oil all around the pot. (This is to prevent the cake from staining!)
5. Pour the batter into the pot.
6. Set in a cooking mode again!! or Make sure it's at cooking mode instead of warming.
7. It might get to warming mode easily, it's alright. Just take a cloth to cover the holes which the steams will come out when it's heated for 20 minutes.
8. Set to cooking mode again!!! Then repeat the step 7.
9. Check the cake by using a toothpick, if the toothpick is clean after popping into the cake, meaning it's done!! YAY!!
10. Cool ur cake by place it in an air con room, this is to prevent the cake from getting dry.

This is how it goes to my cake:

If chocolate chips is in-cooperated, it will be heaven HAHAHAHAA
Enjoy ur baking, good luck!! =)